About Meadow Lane Elementary
Family Information
Melissa Edgerton, Principal
Antionette Relaford, Assistant Principal
Dawn Herring, CDSP Coordinator
Ann Hetrick, Instructional Coach/Parent Coordinator
Anna Bridgers, Intervention Specialist
Karen Hinnant, Media Coordinator
Kimberly Hardister, School Counselor
Jordan Carrasquillo, Social Worker
Brandice Howell, Psychologist
Malik Worrells, IA
Carol Bynum, Kindergarten Teacher
Nicki Thigpen, K/1 Multi-age Teacher
Barri-Ann Wiggins, 1/2 Multi-age Teacher
Brandi Cohen, First Grade Teacher
Christina Vanover, Second Grade Teacher
Latasha Best, Third Grade Teacher
Meko Artis, Fourth Grade Teacher
Sara Jensen, EC Teacher
Holly Herring, CDSP/EC Teacher
Kim Dewey, Parent Representative
Here at MLE, our vision is "Together we can achieve, grow, and become responsible."
Our values are:
Every individual needs love and support.
Every individual needs to assume responsibility for the learning process.
Learning is a lifelong process.
All staff members need support, encouragement, and fellowship to increase camaraderie, involvement, and to promote a sense of unity.
The Meadow Lane Mission to strive to prepare students to be globally aware, lifelong learners.
To access our School Improvement Plan, follow the directions below:
1. Go to https://www.indistar.org/
2. Enter GuestS17605 for the username and password
To access School Improvement Plans from other schools and the district, click here.
Our team meetings are typically on the first Tuesdays of the month and begin at 3:00 PM in the Media Center. The third Tuesdays of the month are for school improvement committees