Family Information

New to Meadow Lane?

This section of our web page is designed to help those of you who are new to Meadow Lane Elementary or maybe even Wayne County Public Schools in general.  You may find the links listed on the left side of the screen helpful to you and your family.

Meadow Lane Elementary is a pre-kindergarten through fourth grade school.  We are also home to 6 Community Developmental School Program (CDSP) classrooms. Many of our families are associated with Seymour Johnson Air Force base and therefore we are accustomed to students joining our facility, and unfortunately leaving, throughout the school year.  We strive to make these transitions as smooth as possible for our students and their families.

If you are trying to determine in which school district you live, our
 district boundary map may be able to offer you some general guidance in this area.

To register your child to attend Meadow Lane you will need a few things. You can use the Registration Requirements link on the left to view the documents needed to register. The registration process generally takes about 30 to 45  minutes so please allow ample time in your schedule to complete this when you come.  Ms. Jennifer Malpass, our school data manager, will assist you with this process. She is available most frequently during the hours of 8:00 - 3:00.  Please call (919) 751-7150 and make an appointment.