Please join us as we help Make a Difference Food Pantry tackle hunger! At the football game against Goldsboro on Friday, August 30th, we will be collecting can foods to donate to Make A Difference Food Pantry in Mount Olive. For every can that is brought, fans will be given a raffle ticket for a chance to win various gift cards. Winning raffle tickets will be drawn at halftime. All fans are welcome to participate!

We are hosting a prayer walk for our school on Sunday, August 18th, at 7:00 PM. We'll meet in front of the new gym. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Yearbooks are in and available for pick up. Please help us spread the word!

Fall Sports Tryouts begin next week. All Athletes trying out for a Fall Sport must provide a completed Physical Form and a completed Concussion Form at the time of tryouts. The concussion form can be completed in FinalForms or printed from NCHSAA.org and brought to tryouts. Athletes who show up without these 2 requirements will not be allowed to try out.
Football Tryouts will start on July 31st from 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. on the practice field.
Boys Soccer Tryouts will start on July 31st from 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m. on the practice field. On 8/1 and 8/2, they will move to 6:00-8:00 p.m. on the practice field.
Volleyball Tryouts will be July 31st from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the New Gym.
Girls Golf Tryouts- Please contact Coach McKee at 919-738-3210.
Girls Tennis Tryouts will be held July 31st & August 2nd from 7:30-9:00 a.m. at the tennis courts.
Information about Tryouts for Cross Country will be shared when it becomes available.

All of our Juniors will be taking the ACT tomorrow.
Juniors, when you come into school, find your name on one of the spreadsheets posted by the 500 Wing or the trophy case by the front office. If you need a Chromebook, report to your testing location and let the teacher in the room know. We will make sure you get a Chromebook to use for testing.
Once testing is finished, all students will report to first period.

The Spring Sports Parent Meeting is being held tonight at 6:00pm in the New Gym. All spring sport athletes and a parent or guardian must attend.

FTA is holding a basket raffle fundraiser for Valentine's day. We will have two baskets and a money buchon bouquet filled with an assortment of items and gift cards from local businesses. Winners will be chosen on February 14th. Students can see Ms. Scritchfield during 1st period or Mrs. Mejia during 3rd period to purchase tickets. Tickets are available for purchase Feb 5 - Feb 14.

Need help filling out your FAFSA? We are here to help!! On Saturday, February 10th financial aid officers, both Ms. Smiths’ and Spanish speaking interpreters will be here to help you complete your forms! Doughnuts will be provided. Please scan the QR code or visit bit.ly/fafsaday24 and complete the Google form to let us know you are coming. We look forward to seeing you!

Does your child ride a WCPS school bus? Download the "Edulog Parent Portal" app from the Google Play Store or Apple iTunes. Keep up with where your child's school bus is in real time and set up notifications to alert you when the bus is nearing your child's stop. (Note: For privacy purposes, you will need the child's name, student number/lunch number, and date of birth in order to set up an account)"
A new infographic (step-by-step instruction document) is available on the Parent Portal Resource Page. An updated YouTube video is also available on that page. Both of these resources feature new functionality where parents can create polygon alert zones, rather than just circles. This is helpful in eliminating high traffic areas where the student’s bus may pass by the notification area before making the passenger stop. Here's a link to the page: https://www.edulog.com/resources-parent-portal/
Some parents may be experiencing problems seeing their student’s transportation schedule or accessing their student’s information altogether. On Friday January 5, the app experienced an issue that impacted some parents.
If a parent has seen their student and student trip information in the app recently, but now is not able to, we recommend the following process.
* Log out of the app and log back in to reset the student data.
* If some data is still missing, delete the student from the student list (by swiping left) and then re-enter the student information by choosing ADD STUDENT (+) from the Student List tab.

Reminder: Wednesday, December 20, is an early release day for all WCPS students. All schools will dismiss two hours earlier than usual. Have a safe and happy Holiday break!

Reminder: Wednesday, November 29, will be an early release day for most Traditional Calendar schools, Carver Heights Elementary, & Goldsboro High. WEMCHS, WSTA, & WSE will dismiss at their regular time. All other schools will dismiss 2-hours early. Please contact your child’s school if you need more information.

Reminder: No school for students November 22-24. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!

Our Wrestling and Indoor Track Teams begin their seasons today. Good luck to both teams!

Our JROTC cadets participated in the Veteran's Day parade in Goldsboro on Saturday. They looked great and represented our school well.

This afternoon, our Juniors and Seniors got the chance to attend the CACRAO College Fair. They were able to interact with representatives from colleges and universities all over North Carolina.

When you come to the Homecoming game tonight, take notice of the cleanliness of our football field. Our JROTC spent the day cleaning up trash around the football field and picked up 39 bags of trash. Thank you JROTC students and instructors for your hard work and taking pride in cleaning up our campus!

Are you interested in becoming a school volunteer for the 2023-2024 school year? Apply today! Your involvement and volunteer support can have a direct impact on the learning experiences and opportunities for our students. https://www.waynecountyschools.org/o/wcps/page/become-a-volunteer

A new Driver's Ed class is beginning soon. This class is being held at Goldsboro High School. The dates are as follows:
September 9- 8:00 am-2:00 pm
September 16- 8:00 am-2:00 pm
September 23- 8:00 am-2:00 pm
September 30- 8:00 am-2:00 pm
October 7- 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Students taking Driver's Ed must attend all classes. Click the link below for more information. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S8N9UueIwftMu1wyD6DlJhkD40UvDOyl/view?usp=drive_link

During open house, we will be hosting two ACT Parent Information Meetings. The meetings, presented by ACT, are for students of all grade levels and their parents who want to learn more about the ACT and free resources to support their college and career readiness goals. Topics include:
- What is the ACT and why should I take it?
-Test Optional – Should you submit?
-Tips and strategies for performing your best
-Available resources
These meetings will be help in room 105 at 5:15 and 5:45 during open house on Wednesday, August 23.

We look forward to seeing all of our students at Open House!