Mrs. Sheila Wolfe, Principal
Mrs. Sheila Wolfe
Northwest Elementary School
It is with much excitement and a humble heart that I serve the Northwest Elementary School community as the Principal. My commitment is to promote a positive school experience by providing a safe and caring environment for a diverse population of learners and their families.
By valuing the individuals, the school is afforded infinite possibilities for nourishing the talents of students and staff as we embrace what it means to be learned, useful and effective.
My career in education began upon my graduation from Wayne County Public Schools as I realized my "calling" was to be a teacher. I am a graduate of Wayne County Public Schools, attended Mount Olive College, received my BS Degree in Physical Education and Health from ECU, earned National Board Certification in Physical Education and earned my MSA degree from ECU.
I am a wife, the mother of four children and the proud grandmother of 4 beautiful grandchildren. Originally born in Long Island, NY and "transplanted" here 50 years ago as the child of a SJAFB serviceman, Wayne County is considered my home.
Should I be able to assist you, please contact me.