

Falcon News 

Charles B. Aycock High School Weekly Events 



Student day 33 of 100

M, W, F Schedule



Student day 34 of 100

ACT Skills Day # 8

Flex Schedule



Student day 35 of 100

M, W, F Schedule



Student day 36 of 100

ACT Skills Day # 9

Flex Schedule



Student day 37 of 100

M, W, F Schedule

NC Check-Ins Math I, Math III

Golf @ Wendell

Men’s Tennis @ So. Johnston

Women’s Soccer HOME vs JH Rose

HR Activity:  Registration Info: Course List, Graduation Requirements, Discuss course levels, CTE Pathways, CCRG, and Electives.

ACT Review continues

Counselors in Cafeteria

Baseball @ South Central

Softball HOME vs Washington HS

Progress Reports 

Truist Bank Financial Event

Counselors in Cafeteria

Softball @ Ayden Grifton

Track and Mens Tennis @ Fike

HR Activity: Registration Info: Review Grad Options, Paper Registration Forms completed by students, Appointment Cards Handed Out, Registration folders sent home with students.

ACT Review Continues

Counselors in Cafeteria

Baseball, Softball and Women’s Soccer @ RWHS

Counselors in Cafeteria

 Women’s Soccer @ Manteo

Saturday 3/8/25

Band All State Auditions


3/10 - Falcon Academic Night 6-7:30pm

3/10 - Golf @ So. Wayne

3/10 - Women’s Soccer HOME vs Hunt*

3/10 - Tennis HOME vs West Johnston*

3/11-3/14 - Counselors meet with 11th Graders

3/11 - NC Check-In Biology (Molecular)

3/11 - Baseball and Softball HOME vs Hunt*

3/11 - Senior WorkKeys Testing

3/12 - Early Dismissal

3/12 - AG sales start

3/12 - Men’s Tennis HOME vs SSS*

3/12 - Track AWAY @ East Wake*

3/12 - W. Soccer HOME vs RWHS

3/13 - Summer Job Opportunity Info - Front Lobby - Lunches

3/13 - Baseball and Softball HOME vs RWHS

3/14 - End of 3rd Grading Period

3/14 - W. Soccer, Baseball, Softball HOME vs East Wake*

3/17 - TWD

3/17 - Softball AWAY @ So. Nash

3/17 - Men’s Golf AWAY @ Lane Tree

3/17 - Men’s Tennis AWAY @ So. Wayne

3/18-3/21 - Counselors meet with 9th Graders

3/18 - W. Soccer, Baseball, Softball AWAY @ So. Johnston

3/19 - Men’s Tennis AWAY @ Hunt*

3/19 - Track AWAY @ SSS*

3/19 - W. Soccer AWAY @ East Duplin

3/20 - NTHS Induction Ceremony 1:45pm

3/20 - Baseball AWAY @ Grace Christian

3/21 -  W. Soccer, Baseball, Softball AWAY @ Fike*

3/24-3/28 -  Counselors meet with 12th Graders

3/24 - Blood Drive hosted by HOSA

3/24 - Men’s Tennis AWAY @ East Wake*

3/24 - Men’s Golf AWAY @ JCCC

3/24 - W. Soccer HOME West Johnston*

3/24 - ACT Pep Rally 4th period - Juniors Only

3/25 - Baseball and Softball HOME vs West Johnston*

3/26 - ACT Testing - All Juniors

3/26 - Men’s Tennis HOME vs South Johnston*

3/26 - Track AWAY @ Fike*

3/26 - Baseball AWAY @ No. Lenoir

3/27 - W. Soccer HOME vs SSS*

3/28 - NHS Induction Ceremony - 2:00pm

3/28 - Baseball and Softball HOME vs SSS*

3/31 - Men’s Golf AWAY @ Willow Springs

3/31 - Men’s Tennis HOME vs Fike*

Falcon News Announcements

Attention all Golden Falcons!


The Falcon Academic Night is HERE!!  Please pre-register to attend by scanning the QR code on this flyer.  Come out to learn about course offerings for the 2025-2026 school year, enter to win prizes in our Falcon Raffle.  Some of the prizes up for grabs include, prom tickets, athletic game pass, a yearbook and tons of other cool prizes.  We look forward to seeing all of you on Monday, March 10.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is upon us!! Please be sure to review these important dates and activities!

Any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

Kayleigh Busdieker has been selected to be a NC Governor's page.  The Governor's page program gives NC high school students the opportunity for hands-on participation in state government.  Kayleigh's week-long experience will focus on professional development, service opportunities and educational experiences in civics and history. 

Natalia Estrada has been selected to be a NC House page.  She will spend four days in Raleigh observing firsthand how our laws are made.  Natalia will have the unique privilege of working in the House Chamber in the midst of legislative action.

Way to go ladies!!  You have definitely made your Aycock Falcon Family proud!

Attention Falcons:  The seniors in the CBA art department have collaborated with the Pikeville Police Department to design our annual class of 2025 challenge coin. Linked below is a google form of the designs we have created, please take a few moments to complete this form located at the link below and pick your favorite design to be featured on this coin!

There will be more information about how to order coming out at a later date.

Falcon Challenge Coin Survey

Interested in a summer volunteer opportunity? Contact your school counselor for a copy of the application. For the second year, 3HC will be sponsoring a Summer VolunTeen Program. It is a seven-week program where high school students can come to Kitty Askins

Hospice Center to volunteer and learn while enhancing the patient and family experience. It will also give them a glimpse of what is done at Kitty Askins to comfort patients and their families at the end of life. Applications are due to 3HC by April 11.

Upcoming Session

Day 1:  March 08 ,    2025   (Saturday)

Day 2   March 15      2025  (Saturday)

Day 3:  March 22,     2025  (Saturday)

Day 4:  March 29,     2025  (Saturday)

Day 5:  April    05,      2025  (Saturday)

Location: Goldsboro High School Cafeteria

Time: 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Goldsboro High Class Registration Link

A sign-up link will be posted 1 to 3 weeks before EACH class.  

At the close of the sign up period, A+ Driving School will send an email confirming your child got in to the class. Please make sure to provide the correct email.


Required Age: You must be 14 years and 6 months old (14 1/2). (No exceptions)

Attendance: You must attend every class. NO ABSENCES allowed, excused or unexcused. If you miss one class for any reason, you are automatically out. 

Instructor: Craig Uzzell

Contact Information: 919-735-5993

Class Rules:

  • Arrange transportation ahead of time. No phone calls during class.

  • Have parents drop you off and pick you up at the back of the cafeteria.

  • Bring lunch, paper, pencil, and pen to class.

  • Any student who is unable to follow school rules and board policies will be immediately dismissed from the class.

  • Students, who are disruptive, who sleep in class, or who are in off-limit areas will be immediately dismissed from the class.

  • No gum, radios, pagers, cell phones, or tobacco products are permitted in class. Any student who violates any part of this rule will be immediately dismissed from the class.

  • Any student dismissed from class who does not have a cell phone should inform Mr. Uzzell so he can contact your parents to pick you up.

Are you interested in employment for the summer? Please stop by on March 13, 2025 in the foyer by the cafeteria during lunch for information on summer employment opportunities. 

Fremont Volunteer Fire Department is looking for junior firefighters between the ages of 14-18 that live in the Fremont fire district.  For any information, contact Scott Yelverton at 919-738-9257.   

Are you a freshman, sophomore or junior and interested in pursuing a career as an Educator? This is a great opportunity offered by East Carolina for summer enrichment. Please note application deadlines and requirements. Registration/applications are available by scanning the QR Code on the bottom of the flyer

Hello Seniors.  

Here are a few quick updates from the Counseling Department to help you pay for college:

1. Scholarships - Make sure you are regularly checking the CBA Scholarship page. There are a wide variety of scholarships which have been posted. Some have due dates approaching in the near future, so don't wait!  Many of these are local scholarships! Visit the google doc below which is updated regularly.

Scholarships 2024-2025

2. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) - February is Finish the FAFSA month. 

- You will be hearing more about this in the coming weeks. FAFSA is important not only because it determines if you can receive Federal Student Aid, but it is also required by many institutions. Additionally, many scholarships now require you to have completed the FAFSA. Scholarships such as SECU People Helping People, the Golden Leaf, and the Bison Benefit at WCC which covers all tuition for 4 semesters all require the FAFSA to be completed. Some of these scholarships have deadlines approaching during or before March. So, even if you don't think you will receive Federal Aid, it is still important to complete the FAFSA!

Please be sure to check out the Official CBA Facebook Page for all the information on our Senior Fall Athletes!! To get to the page, just follow this link.  Official CBA Facebook Page