
Attention parents/guardians of all students new to North Carolina and all of our kindergarten students!

Have you already scheduled your North Carolina Health Assessment? This assessment by a physician is required by law for all students who are entering the public school system in North Carolina for the first time as well as all new kindergarten students.

We have some exciting news!

I wanted to let you know that we will be having the Goshen Medical Mobile Unit set up in the parking lot during open house this year! They will be set up on August 20th from 11-6 in the Carver parking lot and will be able to do all NC Health assessments for our new kindergarten students and any students that are new to NC.

This can include students that are new to Carver or any other local public school.

Please see the attached flyer for details!

Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks!

Nurse Kari Yarrow