On Monday February 19, Wayne County Public Schools (WCPS) administrators will share information about the redistricting process for the newly constructed Fremont Elementary. The information session will be held at 6 PM at the new school.
“We look forward to meeting with families from our three northern-end elementary schools and providing them an update about redistricting plans which will take effect this August,” states Dr. Marc Whichard, WCPS Superintendent. “After the information session, families will have the opportunity to view maps and weigh in on two potential boundary line options.”
The new Fremont Elementary has a building capacity of 750 students, which will increase the current student population by more than 500 students. The school was built and designed to help reduce overcrowding and modular classrooms at Northeast Elementary and Northwest Elementary. It will also replace the much smaller 100 year old building where the existing school is located.
“We felt it was important to have the information session at the new Fremont Elementary campus,” adds Dr. Whichard. “Families who attend will get a sneak peak at the state-of-the-art facilities and advanced safety features.”
While the event is open to the public, the information session is primarily intended for families from Fremont Elementary, Northeast Elementary and Northwest Elementary. For families unable to attend, redistricting information will be provided through their child’s school along with an opportunity for them to provide input.
Background: Wayne County has received $30 million in grant funding through the North Carolina Needs-Based Public School Grant Funds for the construction of this school. It is important to note that the school will be able to accommodate more than three times as many students as the current school of approximately 230 students, which will be vital for helping address K-3 class-size needs in northern Wayne County. It will also have energy efficient HVAC systems, upgraded furniture and technology, and advanced safety and security features. The school district broke ground on the project in August 2022. The school will officially open in August 2024.