With the first day of classes already underway for three schools on the Non-Traditional Academic Calendar, and quickly approaching for the district’s other 30 schools, Wayne County Public Schools wants to share the following updates to help students and families take the first steps towards a successful school year.

Back to School Updates
Parents are encouraged to click on Back to School Updates to find academic calendars, lunch menus, Open House schedules, a special voice-message from the superintendent, and more!

First Day of School
The first day of school for schools operating on the traditional academic calendar is Monday August 28 and the first day of school for Carver Height Elementary students is Wednesday, August 23.

Open House
Next week, each school will conduct an Open House to provide students and families the opportunity for families to meet teachers, learn about classroom curriculums and expectations, familiarize themselves with school campuses, and pick up supplies lists and daily schedules. As schedules can vary, parents are encouraged to go click on Back to School Updates to view the Open House schedule for their child’s school.

New School Communication Tools
This summer, the school district launched a new website, call system, and app. Some of the tools are still under development, but parents can anticipate a greater level of engagement through the tools as the school year gets underway.

Student Safety: School buses, Crosswalks, & School Zones
With thousands of students traveling to and from school on yellow school buses, the school district has the following tips for motorists sharing the roads:

  • Never pass a school bus while its amber lights are flashing
  • Give yourself extra time in the morning and afternoon to compensate for bus slowdowns
  • Always keep an eye out for children at bus stops
  • Slow down when passing students on the side of the road
  • Watch out for students walking to or from school in the morning and afternoon.
  • Slow down for crosswalks and school zones

 “We look forward to bringing all of our schools online later this month,” states Dr. Marc Whichard, Superintendent. “I have three priorities for the upcoming year that I have conveyed to all of our school administrators. This year, there will be a greater focus on student discipline, clean and maintained buildings, and bell-to-bell teaching. I believe these efforts will impact the quality of our schools for our students, staff, families and community members who visit our schools.”