Inclement Weather Procedures
Staff Guide for 2024-2025
Staff Options During Inclement Weather
There is always a possibility that Wayne County Public Schools (WCPS) may have to alter its schedule when inclement weather occurs. If WCPS needs to close, delay school, or dismiss early, decisions will only be made after district administrators have completed a thorough investigation of the weather conditions and/or expected weather forecasts for our area.
In the event of a closure, delay or early dismissal, it is important that all WCPS staff understand decisions, announcements, and workday expectations.
NOTE: Regardless of which decision is made, the Superintendent, principals, and department supervisors have the authority to require specific employees to report to work if they are considered essential to the school’s or district’s operation. These staff members are deemed “essential personnel.”
In the event of inclement weather, one of four decisions concerning the operation of the school district may be made. Please review this guidance so you can be aware of how these possible decisions will affect you.
There will be no school for students and staff.
All campuses are closed to the public and non-essential personnel.
Make-up schedules for students and/or staff will be determined by the Superintendent.
For staff, make-up time of six (6) hours is required to replace an eight-hour workday missed due to inclement weather.
All non-essential personnel will report to work two (2) hours beyond their normal starting time or will exercise one of the following options:
Request Annual Leave in LINQ
Request Leave Without Pay in LINQ
Request Personal Leave in LINQ (Applies to certified staff who currently accrue personal leave)
Request Accrued Comp Time in LINQ (applies to employees that accrue comp time)
Document make up time with your immediate supervisor (applies ONLY if a staff make-up schedule is put in place by the Superintendent)*
Principals and Department Heads will be responsible for developing and implementing a process to notify employees if a workplace is opened or not.
Employees may have an option to work at a different WCPS site than normal depending upon road and weather conditions. For this to occur, a staff member must have approval from his/her immediate supervisor and from the supervisor at the alternate workplace.
In some instances, a staff make-up schedule may be put in place by the Superintendent. If this occurs, make-up time of six (6) hours is required to replace an eight-hour workday missed due to inclement weather. *
All non-essential personnel will report to work two (2) hours beyond their normal starting time and the student day will begin at individual schools two (2) hours later than usual.
All students will dismiss X hours early. All non-essential personnel will dismiss at the Superintendent’s discretion.
Student and staff dismissals may differ based on current weather conditions and forecasts for our area. As such, the superintendent may specify that school-based staff will dismiss at their regular time, dismiss early at a specific time, or dismiss once all students are safely en route. Additionally, the superintendent may specify that Central Services and other departmental staff will dismiss early at a specific time. In the event WCPS employees are dismissed early, worktime will not have to be made up.
Guidance for a closure that occur on a regularly scheduled Workday
In the event schools are closed due to inclement weather on a regularly scheduled Optional or Designated Workday, all non-essential personnel are to follow the guidance outlined under “CLOSED FOR STUDENTS & STAFF.”
These guidelines replace any previous district guidance and procedures that were in place. All provisions outlined are in effect unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent.
In the event of a closure or delay, staff will be notified via a phone call through the Thrillshare notification system and via WCPS email.
PLEASE NOTE: WCPS employees should check their email for important information from the district or their supervisor, which may include added guidance for staff.
Announcements will also be made via various television channels and radio stations to inform the public. If a closure or delay is expected on the same day of an inclement weather event, it the district’s goal to have announcements aired on local television and radio stations no later than 5:30 a.m.
The most current and reliable district information will be found online at:
@WayneCountyPS (Twitter/Facebook)
District announcements will also be made via the Wayne County Public Schools Mobile App, downloadable via the Google Play Store or Apples iTunes.
Balance Your Options With Safety
The safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top priority. Employees should use this guide to better understand district procedures when schools are closed, delayed, or dismissed early due to inclement weather.
Staff should also know their options when schools are closed to students and is an optional workday for employees. Each staff member must make his or her own responsible decision when weather conditions are hazardous. The worst consequence of choosing not to travel to a worksite due to road or weather conditions in their area would be the loss of a day’s pay. This is a small price to pay for safety and continued healthy service.
WCPS principals and supervisors will work with you within these guidelines, but only you are in a position to balance your options with safety.
NOTE: If no announcement is made, schools will be open as usual and operate on their regular hours.