Parent's Corner
*Ask questions to help your child develop high- level thinking skills*
Thinking skills are the basis for learning every subject, from reading comprehension to math. These skills will help your child be successful in school and in life. To develop their thinking skills, encourage your child to:
* Evaluate how they did on a test or homework assignment. Ask your child, "What did you do well? What would you change next time?
* See patterns and reasons. Ask your child what they see in a spider web, for example. Or ask them to explain their or another's' behavior in a certain situation. What happened first, second, etc., Why?
* Practice making decisions. Ask your child how they would spend $5 and why. What if they had $100?
* Explore different ways to solve a problem. Help your child look at the pros and cons of each likely solution. Ask for specific reasons for their choice of a final solution.
* Connect topics that seem very different. If your child is learning about bees in school, ask, "How is a beehive like a town? How is it different?
*Tips for better grades & improved attendance*
* Homework time. Take a "same time, same place" approach to homework on school days. Your child might study at the kitchen counter each day after school, for example. This encourages independence and responsibility.
* Goal setting. Ask your child what they would like to accomplish in and out of school. Set one or two reasonable goals. "I want to read a chapter book this week," "I want to build a model plane/" Make a step-by-step plan for success.
* Reading time. Find creative, appealing ways to fit reading into your schedule. You might read at bedtime, take books to the park, act out a story or read a book and then see the movie version.
* Academic activities. Incorporate math, science, history and more into everyday life. Help your child manage their allowance, for instance. Do a science experiment just for fun. Visit a historical site, if possible. Show your child that learning is fun and useful!
* Non-academic activities. When kids make progress in sports, arts, music, technology and other areas, they gain confidence. This helps them become better students. Support and compliment all kinds of hard work.
*Show your child that learning is an important responsibility*
You have work to do every day, and so does your child! As the school year begins, encourage them to see learning as an important duty they can enjoy. Research shows this will help them succeed. Make it a priority to:
* Speak positively about school. How will your child use what they learn? What goals will they reach with their education? Compliment teachers, classes and your child's abilities. Recall positive experiences you had as a student.
* Help your child stay organized. Encourage your child to clean out their backpack and school desk frequently. Pick a quiet, regular time and place for studying, too.
* Encourage time management. If your child receives a weekly homework packet, help them break it into daily assignments. When older kids are assigned long-term projects, divide them into small parts with manageable deadlines.