Active Notices

Request for Sealed Bids
Wayne County Public Schools (WCPS)

Old Fremont Elementary School Property

The Wayne County Board of Education is seeking sealed bids under N.C.G.S. ยง 160A-268 from interested purchasers for the Old Fremont Elementary School. The property is approximately 8.5 acres and contains the site of the Old Fremont Elementary School as well as an undeveloped field. The site is located at the address of 101 North Pine St., Fremont, North Carolina, 27830, and its adjoining lot, all of which are identified by the following PINs: 3605441986, 3605358293, 3605357258, 3605356361, 3605356129, 3605356104, 3605355088, 3605356099, 3605358049 and 3605348909.

The property will be sold via General Warranty Deed and shall include a covenant preventing the use of the site for a competing educational institution. The property has asbestos. Purchasers are advised to consider title insurance for the property. Interested bidders may contact Dr. Timmy Harrell at to tour the site. Additional details may be found online at

All bids must be sealed and received by 1:30 PM on Monday, April 7, 2025, and will only be accepted by:

U.S. Mail
Wayne County Public Schools
Attn: Timmy Harrell
P.O. Drawer 1797
Goldsboro N.C. 27533-1797


Hand Delivery
Wayne County Public Schools
Central Services
Attn: Timmy Harrell
2001 E. Royall Ave
Goldsboro N.C. 27534

All sealed bids will be opened at 2:00 PM on Monday, April 7 at WCPS Central Services. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

Request for Proposals (RFP)
Voluntary Benefit Services

Section 125 Flexible Benefits Plan

Wayne County Public Schools is inviting proposals from licensed North Carolina providers of services for a period of three (3) years in connection with our Section 125 Flexible Benefits Plan and underlying insurance benefit programs.  Through this RFP, beginning with the 2026 benefits plan year, Wayne County Public Schools intends to consolidate all voluntary benefits work with a single broker based on the highest quality benefits, service and products they present.

This invitation does not indicate in any way that Wayne County Public Schools is dissatisfied with the services, plans and/or products of our current provider.

To view, click on RFP and WCPS standard terms and conditions. Please note the RFP deadline is no later than 4:00pm, Wednesday, March 19, 2025.