TRE Bus Drivers
Bus 612-Tamara Melvin
Bus 131-Ronald Canady
Bus 513-Thomas Hunter
Bus 615-Pensa Deshields
It is our goal here at Tommy's Road Elementary School to transport your child/children to and from school safely. To do this we need the support of the parents and staff. Please make sure that your child/children understand the importance of following the bus rules.
Passenger Behavior on the School Bus:
1. Take a seat immediately after boarding and remain seated throughout the trip.
2. Passengers should never stand in the doorwell.
3. Keep feet, books, and other belongings out of the aisle.
4. Keep the bus clean. Don't eat or drink on the bus. Scraps of food and paper make the aisle slippery.
5. Do not block the view of the bus driver.
6. Keep your head and arms inside the bus at all times.
7. Talk quietly to your friends so as to not distract the bus driver.
8. Do not play with the emergency door. It could come open and cause someone to fall out.
9. Be courteous to your school bus driver and follow his/her instructions.
Every child who rides a school bus must be a responsible rider. Children should follow all school bus safety practices and respect the authority of the bus driver. A thorough understanding of school bus safety rules improves the teamwork necessary between riders and the bus driver.